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Indiana Schools: 300,000 New Linux Boxes

Great news comes from the State of Indiana this week. Linspire and a local hardware partner have been selected by the state to provide 300,000 Linux computers to the educational system, allowing each high school student his or her own.

Linspire covers the story in a press release, which is also copy-pasted by as well as InformationWeek.

In summary, “Indiana schools aren’t just talking about desktop Linux – students and teachers are actually using it every day,” said Kevin Carmony, president and CEO of Linspire, Inc. “We’re thrilled that a desktop Linux solution is being evaluated in Indiana with such success, and we’re confident that other school systems will look to this deployment as an example for their own classrooms. This is a way educators can give every student quality, well-equipped computers at a price the schools can afford.”

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