Vienna and Paris Moving to OpenOffice
The cities of Vienna and Paris long ago announced they’d be moving their desktops to open source, adopting OpenOffice and, at a slower pace, Linux as well.
ZDNet UK reports that Vienna’s project is moving smoothly ahead of schedule:
“Vienna’s ‘soft’ migration to open source on the desktop is proving more popular with users than expected, according to Erwin Gillich, the head of IT at Vienna’s municipal authority…
Gillich told ZDNet UK that his team has already installed on 2,500 desktops since it started offering the product to users in September.”
Likewise, Techworld reports that Paris is also ahead of schedule:
“Earlier this year, volunteers among the city’s 46,000 staff were invited to download and install open-source software, including the Firefox browser and Open Now, the city is planning to migrate all the users of one city department or all of those in one of the city’s 20 districts, not just the volunteers, to test a larger migration. The city has 17,000 workstations, up from 12,000 in 2001…
The city is also responsible for IT matters in its primary and middle schools. There, it has installed Open Office on 2,150 computers, and plans to bring the total to 3,500 by the end of March, it said.”