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UK’s Open Source Academy

April 4th, 2006 Benjamin Horst

The UK’s beautiful, Plone-based Open Source Academy website exists to help migrate government agencies to cost-effective, stable and powerful open source software tools. “Our aim is to encourage the use of Open Source Software by local authorities through knowledge sharing and practical advice. The content of our portal, as well as our one-to-one services, can help you economise on costs and increase Open Source’s implementation efficiency.”

Bristol‘s 5,500-PC StarOffice migration (saving 60% over using Microsoft Office) is the current big news over there. “The decision was taken following a full evaluation of the costs and benefits of both platforms that included staff retraining, migration and support costs of switching the 5,500 users from a mixture of predominantly Microsoft systems to StarOffice.”

“So far, the experience of migrating users has proved that the cost of migration is low and ease of use is high. We now have concrete evidence that less effort is required to deploy the software, support and train users than we estimated,” said Gavin Beckett.

OpenOffice Newsletter – March 2006

April 3rd, 2006 Benjamin Horst

The March 2006 OpenOffice Newsletter is now online, with plenty to report.

Several new books have been released, a number of conferences have been held and others are being planned, 2.0.2 was released, and more.