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Vancouver, Canada Chooses Open Standards

As one of a handful of governments in North America to be so bold, Vancouver, Canada has announced a policy of open standards, interfaces and formats for all public data, announces Slashdot:

They will also consider open-source software on an even footing with proprietary for all new software purchases. Fifteen of the fifteen people who signed up to speak to city council on the topic spoke in favor.

The original article in CBC, titled City of Vancouver embraces open data, standards and source, continues:

Vancouver city council has endorsed the principles of making its data open and accessible to everyone where possible, adopting open standards for that data and considering open source software when replacing existing applications…

Reimer had argued that supporting the motion would allow the city to improve transparency, cut costs and enable people to use the data to create new useful products, including commercial ones. She had also noted that taxpayers paid for the data to be collected in the first place.

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