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SnowWrite’s Top Five FOSS Projects

It’s always instructive to see what other open source fans consider their most useful FOSS applications. Generally, this tracks well with their occupation, where developers will choose text editors and Linux distros, designers will choose graphics applications and page design programs, while others will choose communication and media distribution programs.

I came across a blog post by SnowWrite titled, “In Open Source I Trust: Top 5 Projects for Daily Use.”

As a web designer and developer, she chooses the following:

  1. VirtualBox
  2. Plone
  3. Firefox (and the Web Developer Toolbar and Firebug Extension)
  4. TweetDeck
  5. Ubuntu

I agree that each one of these is a great and essential program (except TweetDeck, which I have not used myself and cannot comment on).

Her runners-up are GIMP, Amarok, and OpenOffice.

My own top five list would look pretty similar and include the following (but not in a particular order, and I listed seven or eight, depending on how you count):

OpenOffice (Useful every day, and important strategically as an introduction to FOSS for many users, as well as significant cost savings for students and small business owners.)

Firefox (The guardian of open web standards, and flat-out great as a browser.)

Miro (A vanguard in open media access and standards. If I had time to watch videos, I’d love it.)

Eclipse and Aptana (Text editors useful or optimized for website development.)

Drupal (My equivalent to SnowWrite’s choice of Plone. Both good CMSs, but I found installing Drupal on web hosts much easier to get me started.)

GIMP (Unique user interface, but very useful for lots of image editing tasks, and it can read Photoshop PSD files.)

Adium (Cross-network IM client.)

What are your top five open source apps for your personal use?

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